Ex04 Part 4: Plugins and theme screenshot

View the NextGEN/ContactForm7/Responsive Menu Plugins Screencast

Plugin Installation and Activation

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins and click “Add New“.
  2. Search for “NextGEN Gallery“. Ensure that your found result in by developer “Imagery”. Click “Install Now“, then Activate.
  3. Search for “Contact Form 7” by Takayuki Miyoshi. Install and Activate.
  4. View the NextGEN Gallery intro video.
  5. Download these four sample images (or quickly find your own.)
  6. Create a gallery with the four images, and place it on your Work page.
    Click the NextGen icon on the WordPress block.
    Create a Gallery with uploaded images.
    Choose the gallery to insert into the block.
    Save and view the page to see the gallery in place.
  7. In the Dashboard, click Contact, and click to Edit the supplied “Contact form 1”. Review Form, Mail and Messages settings. (Note that the form appears not to work under Pantheon in Sandbox mode.)
  8. Copy the shortcode and paste it into your Contact page.

Alternative Image Gallery Plugins:

  • Modula: Nice mosaic-grid layout function
  • Simple Lightbox (for the image enlargement effect without having to create galleries.)

Optional Responsive Menu Plugin

  • ResponsiveMenu Plugin: Developed by ExpressTech. Easily collapse a full nav bar behind a small “hamburger” icon.

Theme Screenshot

  1. Using a desktop browser, navigate to a page that best exemplifies your theme design.
  2. On a Mac, press shift-command-5 to open the screen capture utility. On Windows, use Snipping Tool. Drag and resize the marquee until the dimensions show 1200px wide by 900px tall, then capture that selected portion.
  3. If your page design does not fit well within 1200×900, resize your browser window and repeat step 2.
  4. When your page fits within the 1200×900 marquee, press Return to save save the screenshot. (If you cannot achieve those browser dimension, come as close as you can. You can also resize or crop in an image editor.)
  5. Rename the screenshot “screenshot.png” and place it at the root (top) level of your theme folder.